Banana Orange Shake
Rating: 3/5 - Votes: 2 - Views: 25067
Delicious for iftar or a quick pick-me-up.

Total servings: 3
Pre-Prep time:
Preperation time: 5 min
Occasion: Ramadan
Cuisine: Pakistani
Effort: Easy
Best for: All
How to serve: Cold
1 small Banana mash
1/3of a 6 ounce can or frozen ORANGE JUICE CONCENTRATE
1 pint Vanilla Ice Cream
2 cups Cold Milk
Ice (if desired)
Blend small Banana in a blender or mix in a bowl.
Then add frozen Orange Juice and Vanilla Ice cream.
Blend/Beat well, then gradually add Cold Milk untill smooth and frosty.
You can add Ice if you want the Shake to be very cold...
There you go the Yummy Shake is ready !!!! :)