Home :: Video Categories :: Beef
KeemaMinced meat sauted with onions, tomatoes and flavorful spices. Great with parathas in Sehri.
Rating: 3/10 - Votes: 4 - Views: 28607
Ground Beef StewThis is an Indian version of the famous stew. Using ground meat and onions the dish is cooked with strong spices to give a unique delicious taste. The aroma of the spices used is so appeticing that it is hard to resist.
Rating: 3/10 - Votes: 6 - Views: 21765
Nargisi KoftaEggs covered with mince meat cooke in gravy of almonds and tomato.
Rating: 3.5/10 - Votes: 8 - Views: 36463
Roti Or ChapatiSoft roti that stays almost 3 days as soft as made fresh...Learn start to finish...
Rating: 3.5/10 - Votes: 8 - Views: 58942
Chapli KebabChapli kebab is quite a spicy kebab which is great as a starter.
Rating: 2.5/10 - Votes: 4 - Views: 39028- Rating: 3/10 - Votes: 3 - Views: 27674