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Salmon In Mustard Sauce

Rating: 5/5 - Votes: 1 - Views: 14898

Sauted Salmon seasoned simply with garlic, salt, and pepper makes this nice fish entre very delicious.
Salmon In Mustard Sauce recipe

Total servings: 4
Pre-Prep time:
Preperation time: 1 hour
Occasion: Any
Cuisine: Pakistani
Effort: Easy
Best for: All
How to serve: Hot


Half Salmon fish cut in five pieces
3 tbs Mustard sauce
1/4 cup Viniger
Salt & pepper to taste
1/2 cup fresh cream
1 tbs paste of garlic


Brush salmon pieces with garlic and salt & paper.
Mix Vinaigre with rest of ingridients and mix well with Salmon fish and put the pieces in oven dish and cover with foil.
Cook in preheated oven on mark 6 for half an hour the take it out and remove foil and again put in oven and now grill for 10 minutes.
When turns brown take it out and eat with pasta or baked potatoes.

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