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Exotic Spring Fried Beef

Rating: 4/5 - Votes: 2 - Views: 23557

This dish contains decent quality meat that is fairly lean and not too chewy. Its a spicy appetizer and The peanuts add a little crunchiness and manage to mask the spiciness.
Exotic Spring Fried Beef recipe

Total servings: 4-5
Pre-Prep time: 4 hrs
Preperation time: 20 min
Occasion: Ramadan
Cuisine: Japanese
Effort: Average
Best for: All
How to serve: Not Sure


1Kg beef (small pieces)
2tsp Chinese salt
1/2 tsp. salt
1 tsp. black pepper
4 tsp. Soya sauce
1 cup corn flour
2 ounces ginger (small pieces)
1 cup green chilies
3 cup Habib Cooking oil
4 tbsp peanuts chopped.


Marinate the beef with salt, black pepper, Chinese salt, Soya sauce. Then add corn flour to it,
then add ginger to it and put all the mixture for 8 hours.
After 8 hours take the oil in a saucepan and heat it, then put the marinated beef in it.
Fry it until golden brown and crispy.
Add green chilies to it and cook it for 1 min.
Fry on low heat until beef becomes tender.
Add the peanuts in the end mix well.
Serve hot. Enjoy!

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