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Cold Salad

Rating: 3.5/5 - Votes: 4 - Views: 19062

Lettuce accompanied with nuts and chick peas fully coated with sweetened mayo.
Cold Salad recipe

Total servings: 2-4
Calories: 100
Pre-Prep time:
Preperation time: 10 min
Occasion: Any
Cuisine: Pakistani
Effort: Easy
Best for: All
How to serve: Cold


Red cabbage 1 medium or large
Walnuts/pecans *handful
Raisins *handful
4-5 tbsp mayonnaise
Sugar to taste
Chickpeas (1/2 tin 1 tin)


Cut cabbage.
Mix in mayonnaise and sugar to smooth it out.
Add the sweetened mayonnaise with cabbage to fully coat cabbage.
Now add walnuts, raisins and chickpeas.

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