Bbq Fish
Rating: 4/5 - Votes: 3 - Views: 27405
Bbq creates a delicious and moist fish. This is an easy recipe with step by step intruction to make a tasty meal.

Total servings: 4
Pre-Prep time:
Preperation time: 15 mins
Occasion: Any
Cuisine: Pakistani
Effort: Easy
Best for: All
How to serve: Hot
2 lbs fillet of fish about 1 and 3/4 inches thick
1 lemon sliced round shape
1 onion sliced round shape
2 tsp fennel seeds (saunf)
3 tbs Olive oil
Salt & pepper
Aluminum paper for wrapping
Green fennel leaves for garnish
Wash and clean fillet of fish with dry cloth.
Rub olive oil with brush or with hand on both side of fish and put on aluminum foil.
Layer on top with onion & two lemon slices and sprinkle salt, pepper and fennel seed and wrap the foil.
Place it on hot B.B.Q grill and cook on high on both sides.
When cooked garnish with lemon slice and green fennel leaves.