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A rich, sweet pastry made of layers of filo pastry filled with chopped nuts and sweetened with rosewater and sugar syrup.
Baklava recipe

Total servings: 5
Pre-Prep time:
Preperation time:
Occasion: Any
Cuisine: Middle Eastern
Effort: Average
Best for: All
How to serve: Warm


1 lb. self raising flour
3 tablespoons vegetable oil
half teaspoon salt
warm water
2 lb. of blanched almonds
6 oz. granulated sugar
6 tablespoons of rosewater
crushed seeds from 8 to 10 cardigan pods for syrup
I cup of water
10 oz. granulated sugar


Start by making a dough with 1 lb. self raising flour, 3 tablespoons vegetable oil half teaspoon salt and warm water to bind it.
Allow the pastry to rest for at least half an hour at room temperature. The texture should be soft but firm.
For the almond filling, grind 2 lb. of blanched almonds not too fine as the texture should be crunchy. Add 6 oz. granulated sugar, 6 tablespoons of rosewater (not essences of rosewater) and crushed seeds from 8 to 10 cardigan pods.
The cardamom and the quantity of cardamom is optional.
A roasting tin 30 cm x 22 cm is just right to take this quantity of baklava. Don't use a nonstick tin if you can help it as the baklava has to be cut with a sharp knife in the tray.
Prepare the tray by brushing the bottom and sides with tablespoon of vegetable oil.
Divide the pastry into 4 equal parts.
Start by rolling out one part very thin and place in the bottom of the greased baking tray. Trim the sides.
Divide the almond mixture into 3 equal parts.
Spread onethird evenly over the bottom layer of pastry.
Build up with alternate layers of pastry and almond mixture, brushing each successive layer of pastry with tablespoon of vegetable oil, ending up with a layer of pastry, the top of which should also be brushed with oil.
Using a sharp knife, cut through the layers of almond and pastry into diamond shaped pieces, pressing the pastry down as you go along to avoid crinkling the top layer.
This should produce 30 or 35 pieces, depending on the size of each piece.
Bake in a preheated oven on the top shelf on 350 for 1 hour.
In the meantime prepare the syrup. Boil I cup of water and add 10 oz. granulated sugar which should be kept boiling on a low light for ten minutes. Let the baklava cool a little when it is removed from the oven and ladle the warm syrup over it evenly.
Try to get the temperature of the baklava and the syrup as even as possible. When the baklava is cold remove each piece separately and carefully.
Store in an airtight container in a cool place and serve as required. Baklava freezes very successfully.

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